You can source all the best Simply Cornish Hampers discount codes, deals and offers at CouponAWK. These offers are updated every one to two weeks and contain savings on everything in store.
How many promo codes can I use each time?
You can only use one discount code at a time, so you had better select the one with the biggest discount value for products in your cart. However, you can divide your products into several orders to make the biggest savings.
When are new Simply Cornish Hampers discount codes added?
Simply Cornish Hampers often updates its discount codes page everyday, and all discount codes and offers are available to every customer. So you can use them directly while checkout, except for some discounts that need authentication.
Can I enjoy free Click & Collect at Simply Cornish Hampers?
Sure. In fact, Simply Cornish Hampers offers next-day Click & Collect for consumers who don't want to pay for delivery fee or wait 3-5 days for standard delivery.
Can I get an extra discount when refer a friend?
Every time you refer someone to Simply Cornish Hampers, you can get a referral bonus. But the premise is that he/she makes a qualifying purchase. And he/she can have a up to 10% off first order.
What is the Simply Cornish Hampers returns policy?
Yes, Simply Cornish Hampers generally supports free returns. You can return your order by post or in-store so long as you have contacted with their customer service. Return within 28 days and you'll be issued a refund.
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